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Selected publications

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Langin G., Raffeiner M., Biermann D., Franz-Wachtel M., Spinti D., Börnke F., Macek B. Üstün S.* (2023) ER-anchored portein sorting controls the fate of two proteasome activators for intracellular organelle communication during proteotoxic stress

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Langin G., González-Fuente M., Üstün S.* (2023) The plant ubiquitin-proteasome system as a target for microbial manipulation. Annu Rev Phytopathol.


Raffeiner M., Zhu S., González-Fuente M., Üstün S.* (2023) Interplay between autophagy and proteasome during protein turnover.  Trends Plant Sci.


Alexis Lebecq, Mehdi Doumane, Aurelie Fangain, Vincent Bayle, Jia Xuan Leong, Frédérique Rozier, Maria del Marques-Bueno, Laia Armengot, Romain Boisseau, Mathilde Laetitia Simon, Mirita Franz-Wachtel, Boris Macek, Suayib Üstün, Yvon Jaillais, Marie-Cécile Caillaud (2022) The Arabidopsis SAC9 enzyme is enriched in a cortical population of early endosomes and restricts PI(4,5)P2 at the plasma membrane eLife 11:e73837

Leong. J. X., Langin G., Üstün S.* (2022). Selective autophagy: Adding precision in plant immunity. Essays In Biochem

Gouguet P., Üstün S.* (2022).  Crossing paths recent insights in the interplay between autophagy and intracellular trafficking in plants. FEBS Letters

Leong, J.X., Raffeiner, M., Spinti, D., Langin, G., Franz-Wachtel, M., Guzman, A. R., Kim, J.-G., Pandey, P., Minina, A. E. A., Macek, B., Hafrén, A., Bozkurt, T. O., Mudgett, M. B., Börnke, F., Hofius, D., Üstün, S.* (2022). A bacterial effector counteracts host autophagy  by promoting degradation of an autophagy component. EMBO J 

press|Faculty Opinions

Raffeiner M., Üstün S., Guerra T., Spinti D., Fitzner M., Sonnewald S., Baldermann S., Börnke F. (2022) The Xanthomonas type-III effector protein XopS stabilizes CaWRKY40a to regulate defense hormone responses and stomatal immunity in pepper (Capsicum annuum). The Plant Cell, 34 (5) 1684-1708:

Shukla A., Üstün S., Hafrén A. (2021) Proteasome homeostasis is essential for a robust cauliflower mosaic virus infection. bioRxiv 436740

Klionsky D.J.,…, Üstün S.,…, Chun-Kit Tong. (2021), Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy.


Langin G., Gouguet P., Üstün S*. (2020) Microbial Effector Proteins – A Journey through the Proteolytic Landscape, Trends in Microbiology,


Üstün S., Hafrén A., Liu Q., Marshall R., Minina E.A., Bozhkov P., Vierstra R., Hofius D. (2018) Bacteria exploit autophagy for proteasome degradation and enhanced virulence in plants. The Plant Cell, 30 (3) 668-685; DOI: 10.1105/tpc.17.00815

press|blog|editorial|Faculty Opinions

Hafrén A., Üstün S., Hochmuth A., Svenning S., Johansen T., Hofius D. (2017) Turnip mosaic virus counteracts NBR1-mediated selective autophagy of the viral silencing suppressor HCpro. Plant Physiology pp.01198.2017; DOI: 10.1104/pp.17.01198

 Üstün S., Hafrén A., Hofius D. (2017). Autophagy as a mediator of life and death in plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol 40, 122-130.

 Üstün S.*, Sheikh A., Gimenez-Ibanez S., Jones A., Ntoukakis V.*, Börnke F*. (2016) The proteasome acts as a hub for plant immunity and is targeted by Pseudomonas type-III effectors. Plant Physiology 172: 1941-1958

 Üstün S.* and Börnke F* (2015) The Xanthomonas campestris type III effector XopJ proteolytically degrades proteasome subunit RPT6. Plant Physiology 168: 107-119

 Üstün S.* and Börnke F (2014) Interactions of Xanthomonas type-III effector proteins with the plant ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like pathways. Frontiers Plant Science 5:736

 Üstün S., Bartetzko V., Börnke F. (2013) The Xanthomonas campestris Type III Effector XopJ Targets the Host Cell Proteasome to Suppress Salicylic-Acid Mediated Plant Defence. PLoS Pathogens 9: e1003427

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